Saturday 31 May 2008

Topman New Noise Tour wraps up in Stoke

The Topman NME New Noise Tour came to a close last night (May 15) in Stoke, with Crystal Castles headlining the event for the last time.

The tour�s final destination, The Sugarmill, saw a full capacity crowd.

Crystal Castles arrived on stage at 10pm (BST) to perform their set, and were met with an instant applause.

Starting with the remix of Klaxons' 'Atlantis to Interzone', singer Alice Glass constantly strode around the stage and dived into the crowd, before technical difficulties stopped Ethan Kath�s keyboard from working properly, halfway through second song 'Baptism'.

While waiting to start again, Glass repeatedly hit the microphone on her head.

Fortunately, for the crowd, the instrument was soon fixed and the duo completed their set, with Glass swinging a strobe light around her head through 'Courtship Dating'. The band went off briefly and returned to play a one-song encore of 'It Fit When I Was A Kid'.

Earlier, White Lies kicked off the night with a 30 minute set, including new single 'Unfinished Business'. Lead Singer Harry McVeigh thanked the crowd at the end of the set, announcing that the band had completed only their 15th gig ever.

Following them was Team Waterpolo, whose lead singer Fred Davis encouraged the crowd opener 'Letting Go' to get in the mood and dance throughout their set.

Friendly Fires followed them launching into 'Photobooth'. The crowd warmed to St Albans band, with Ed Macfarlane launching himself into the crowd on more than one occasion, before guitarist Jack Savidge followed with a stage dive at the end of their set.

Crystal Castles will be performing at Club NME at Brighton�s The Great Escape festival at the Barfly tomorrow (May 17).